Repairs Service
Please Download our Repairs Request Form
TSS provide a repair service for all types of education equipment:
Science Equipment; power supplies, oscilloscopes, biological models etc.
Technical Equipment; hand held electric power tools as well as fixed machine tools; circular saws, drills etc.
Audio Visual Equipment; televisions, DVD's, Coomber appliances, amplifiers etc.(please note that due to the decreasing overall value of many electrical appliances TSS do not repair domestic style CD/Radio/Cassette recorders)
ICT Equipment; PC’s, laptops, netbooks, tablets, visualisers etc.(please note that TSS does not repair Managed Service ICT equipment)
Interactive Whiteboard and Data Projector Repairs; please see download file for guidance on repair of these items.
ASL equipment: custom built educational equipment
The repair service can be accessed by phone, fax or downloading a Repair Request Form and e-mailing it to TSS.
Prior to reporting a repair, seek out as much information as you can concerning the item; make, model, serial number and a brief description of the fault - “broken” or “faulty” are not really enough. Once you have this information available you can email, phone or fax TSS to report the item for repair. When the repair has been reported, it will be assigned a job number, this number should be quoted when contacting TSS for information about the repair.
TSS will uplift the item for repair within 10 working days or a Support Service Technician will call out and endeavour to repair the item on site.
Charges for Repairs:
Repair costs are kept to a minimum as TSS do not charge education establishments for labour, only for parts. Where possible common parts are ordered in bulk and the savings are passed on in full to educational establishments. All centre based repairs are subject to a standard sundry charge of £3.00, this covers the cost of consumable parts such as nuts, bolts, solder, small components, cleaning sprays etc. Should the cost of a part or parts exceed £70.00 (£35.00 for primary and nursery schools), TSS will notify the establishment concerned and seek prior authorisation to proceed with the repair.
Recycling and Disposal:
If the item cannot be repaired or is deemed as being “Beyond Economic Repair (BER)”, a letter will be issued to the establishment to inform them of this decision. TSS will retain the equipment for a further 14 days to allow the establishment time to decide whether the equipment should be returned.
If the equipment is not returned to your establishment it will be:
Broken for spares; these spares will be provided “free of charge” when used to repair other items of equipment from educational establishments throughout Glasgow City Council.
The remaining parts and casing will be recycled and disposed of in accordance with the Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) Regulations 2002. Establishments will be charged between £2.00 - £12.00 (dependant on the equipment type) for each BER item to cover the associated costs for disposal, transport and administration. Education establishment staff should note that they must not attempt to dispose of BER equipment via normal waste streams or via household waste.
Occasionally TSS are able to offer replacement equipment, surplus from TSS or school stock items, to establishments “free of charge”.